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Mycelium Mayhem


As part of a four person team partnering with 5Lives Studios, I helped to create Mycelium Mayhem, a hack and slash adventure game where the players traverses a shrunken down garden to find a cure for the mystery infection that is slowly taking over the bug and plant life.

Working alongside fellow artist Jackson Smollen, I helped to create the 3D assets, textures, and lighting across all the levels.

This is currently a year long project and Mycelium Mayhem will be released in December 2023.


Jasmine Perry- Modeler, Artist, Lighting, Textures

Liam Agius- Programmer, Combat Design

Jackson Smollen- Designer, Modeler, Artist, Animator

Christopher Lawson- Programmer, Puzzle and Audio Designer, UI


Concept Art


Tileable Textures


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